DDX: Distributed Database of X, a joint effort by the Open Index Protocol team and scientists at Caltech to reduce the barriers to entry to developing on top of OIP. Its analog in the web’s development history would be GeoCities.


The following series of 5 videos introduces developers to DDX, OIP, and the decentralized technologies and JS libraries behind them.

OIP-HDMW & HDMW-CLI Our Hierarchically-determined Multi-Wallet built around BIP44 (multi-account), BIP39 (mnemonic) & BIP32 (HD).

OIP Docker: Install all of the components necessary to run a full OIP node (Includes Flo blockchain’s daemon, IPFS, OIP daemon, our zero-knowledge web wallet, and more)


OIP Daemon’s index-search endpoints documentation:


These endpoints all work at our web-hosted API, found at:


Or if you wish to eliminate that central point of failure, you can run the daemon locally - to do so you can use the docker image above or install it from here:


5 Endpoints to see the various stages of OIP/Alexandria’s development:

Latest OIPv0.5 records (only internal testing) (~30 records)

Latest OIPv0.4.2 artifacts (MLG & Caltech’s content) (~1.1M records)

Latest OIPv0.4.1 artifacts (first 3rd party content) (~1100 records)

Latest “Alexandria” artifacts (before OIP was named) (~800 records)

Earliest Alexandria related transactions in Flo chain (May 6, 2014)